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Англо-русский авиационный словарь - splutter


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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) бессвязная речь, лопотанье  2) брызги  3) шипение  2. v.  1) говорить быстро и бессвязно, лопотать (тж. splutter out); She was so anxious that she could only splutter out her story of the crime that she had witnessed.  2) брызгать слюной, плеваться  3) шипеть, трещать (об огне, жире и т.п.) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. суматоха, шум 2. бессвязная речь, лопотанье a confused splutter of German on my right —- невнятная немецкая речь справа от меня 3. шипение, треск; плеск 4. (про)лопотать; говорить захлебываясь (от возбуждения и т. п.); говорить быстро и сбивчиво to splutter out a threat —- задыхающимся голосом выкрикнуть угрозу he spluttered (out) his alarm —- сбивчиво и путано он выпалил (выложил) свои опасения 5. шипеть, трещать a waning candle splutters —- догорающая свеча потрескивает 6. брызгать, обрызгивать 7. делать кляксы (о пере) a pen splutters —- перо пачкает (делает кляксы) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. a speak in a hurried, vehement, or choking manner. b emit particles from the mouth, sparks, hot oil, etc., with spitting sounds. 2 tr. a speak or utter (words, threats, a language, etc.) rapidly or incoherently. b emit (food, sparks, hot oil, etc.) with a spitting sound. --n. spluttering speech. Derivatives splutterer n. splutteringly adv. Etymology: SPUTTER by assoc. with splash ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: probably alteration of sputter  Date: 1677  1. a confused noise (as of hasty speaking)  2. a splashing or sputtering sound  II. verb  Date: 1693  transitive verb to utter hastily or confusedly ; stammer  intransitive verb  1. to make a noise as if spitting  2. to speak hastily and confusedly  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (splutters, spluttering, spluttered) 1. If someone splutters, they make short sounds and have difficulty speaking clearly, for example because they are embarrassed or angry. ‘But it cannot be,’ he spluttered... Molly leapt to her feet, spluttering and howling with rage. VERB: V with quote, V 2. If something splutters, it makes a series of short, sharp sounds. Suddenly the engine coughed, spluttered and died. VERB ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to talk quickly in short confused phrases, especially because you are angry or surprised  ("But ...But ...I can't believe...how could you?" she spluttered.)  (Katie was spluttering with rage.) 2 to make short sharp noises, like someone spitting (spit1 (1))  (Bill was coughing and spluttering. | The boat's engine spluttered and stopped.) - splutter n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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